High return, if you get it

Anyone who understands a little bit about money matters is looking for a high return. Or at least a higher return than 0. After all; Suppose you now have 100,000 euros in cash and keep it in a box, then the same 100,000 euros will be worth less in a few years. This is of course due to inflation. And that is why you should always look for something that will yield your return. Saving at a bank used to be an excellent and safe option, but unfortunately… those days are really over!

Look, we are absolutely not a consultancy firm and you have to know for yourself what you do with your money, but in many cases repayment is not favorable at all at the moment. Most people who currently own a home have historically low mortgage rates, often below 2.5%. Because the interest rate is so low, it is not difficult to get a better return than the 2.5%. Just a black and white calculation: Suppose you make a 4% return (and I’ll show you how) then you earn 4% on your “investment”. Suppose you pay off this investment on your house, then you earn only 2.5%. Again, we are NOT a consultancy and please see an advisor if you want to know all about this. However, we tell you here how we have done it (successfully) over the past few years!

4% return is not high, is it?

No, 4% is a low return for investors. But, if you get the idea, this safe 4% is a MONSTER return. Read on…

What we are doing at the moment is really super simple, but extremely effective. First, we opened an account on Freebitcoin . This is of course free and reliable. Freebitcoin is a great site that has been around since 2012 and where you can also earn free bitcoins . But that’s not the point right now. One of the most important, and perhaps even the most important, reason that we are here is because they give an INTEREST rate of 4% on your bitcoins that you have there. 4% seems little, but note:

We started in 2017, just before the mega hype and were able to pick up our Bitcoins for a few thousand euros each. Pretty soon we came across Freebitcoin and profits that growing the NUMBER of Bitcoins would become important. Of course the value Bitcoin/Euro is important, but the focus was immediately on growing your bitcoin. And how nice is it if you get a 4% return on the GROWTH of your Bitcoin.

Freebitcoin pays you 0.0109589% every day (!) so you can see your balance grow every day. We have actually put our bitcoins on Freebitcoin from day 1, play a bonus now and then, etc, but mainly let our balance grow.

Optional: You can make a monthly deposit via Freebitcoin . We do the same and once every few months we transfer these bitcoins to our Freebitcoin account. In this way our wealth in Bitcoin grows, so we get more and more bitcoins in our possession.

At the end of 2017, we had more bitcoins in our wallet than we had deposited them. And yes, of course we were also disappointed by the enormous drop in value at the beginning of 2018. But… that’s NOT OUR IMPORTANT (!!). And you have to understand that. Do not (yet) think back in euros or dollars. Think Bitcoin. Throughout 2018, 2019 and 2020 we didn’t really care much about our bitcoins or our account. We deposited a small amount monthly to our bitvavo account and then to our freebitcoin account. The advantage of this way of buying monthly is that the price is very favorable in the long run.

At the end of 2020, our “interest on interest” is now good for a 12% increase in value on our first deposit. By the way, we managed to make 15.7% through bonuses. The euro or dollar value is of course also very variable. But at the time of writing, the Bitcoin is at more than 11,000 euros. Our purchase was around 5,500 each. So PER BITCOIN we currently have a profit of 6,363 euros and that is a return of more than 115%. And… we think Bitcoin is far from finished growing. Especially now that PayPal is also going to participate.

Calculation example of our thought

Suppose that the Bitcoin will rise to 50,000 euros in 2023 and suppose that you do not make a monthly deposit for this calculation for the sake of convenience. And suppose you are reading this in 2020. Then your investment is 11,000 euros (value of bitcoin now). You take interest in 3 years (on interest), so then your bitcoin has risen to 1,125 bitcoin in 3 years. But… the euro value has also risen. That investment of 11,000 now will be 1,125 * 50,000 = € 56,250 over 3 years. and that is a return of 511%

But what if that bitcoin does not become worth 50,000?

I know what you’re thinking… What if that bitcoin doesn’t rise to 50,000? Of course, it is and remains a risk, but looking at the development, the past and the future, I personally estimate that the 50,000 will really come. And perhaps if bitcoin hits the 50,000 mark, that the 100,000 will also come. You just have to be patient, so don’t use money that you need tomorrow or next month. Because what happened at the end of 2017 will happen again. Although I think things have become a bit more stable.

Remember, gold continues to be found. Money just keeps being printed. So these two “options” become less and less valuable. After all, if there is a lot of something, its value becomes less. There are no more Bitcoin than there are. And they are not added. So… the value will automatically increase….

Should you also benefit, simply go to freebitcoin , open your free account and deposit your BTC here. Then… sit back and relax!

Important, please note!
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