Our 3 strategies focus on the world famous digital currency: Bitcoin.

Now there are 2 possibilities:

You read Bitcoin and you immediately click away from this site. Too bad, you’re missing a great opportunity.
You read Bitcoin and you decide to read on. Good choice, here we show you our 3 strategies that have given us OVER 1,200% returns in the 3.5 years we have been going and we think this is just the beginning!

Briefly about bitcoin:
At the beginning of 2017 we came into serious contact with crypto for the first time and we delved into Bitcoin. In case you don’t know anything about Bitcoin yet: Bitcoin is a digital currency with which you can basically pay just like your euros and which has a certain value. Just like gold, for example. That value is determined by supply and demand and that’s where it gets very interesting. There is only a LIMITED offer. A maximum of 21 million bitcoins can be “found”. In the meantime, about 18.6 million have been found and when the 21 million is reached, the supply will stop. The supply will therefore fall sharply, causing the price to rise. But more on that later!

3 Strategies to Make Money With Bitcoin

In the 3.5 years that we have been working with Bitcoin, we have devised and executed a number of simple, but very effective strategies. We started with literally nothing and have now built up a very nice account. With trial and error and that will immediately be your first choice?

Earning Bitcoin Without RiskStrategy 1: Earn free Bitcoins
This strategy is 100% safe and an ideal start if you do not want to take any risk or if you do not want or cannot invest your own money. You can still make nice money, but keep in mind that your yield will be low!

+ NO investment required, so 100% safe!
+ No risk of losing money!
– Efficiency is low to very low.
– It takes a long time to earn serious money

High risk but also chance of quick moneyStrategy 2: Bets & Bitcoins
This strategy can be a follow-up to Strategy 1, once you have earned some (free) bitcoins, or can work as a standalone strategy. Please note, the risk is extremely high, the yield and/or return, on the other hand, can also be extremely high!

+ Returns can be very high!
+ Can be perfectly combined with Strategy 1.
+ Due to a betting element it gives tension (this can also be experienced as negative by the way)
– Works better if you invest some “play money”. So NOT free!
– Extremely HIGH risk

Interest on your bitcoinStrategy 3: Let bitcoin do its work
We have been using this strategy for 2 years now and it has given us the highest return with a (relatively) low risk. It is not free, because this strategy works best if you have some resources to invest.

+ Returns can be very high!
+ Relatively low risk
– You have to be patient
– Works best with an investment (but that doesn’t have to be a disadvantage)

Important, please note!

Wheel of Fortune - Claim your free spins today

To become a member of freebitco.in, sign up for “Wheel of Fortune – Claim your free spins today”. You will then receive an email from freebitco.in every day, giving you one free spin per day. While you always win something, there is always a chance that you may hit the jackpot.

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